(2) ASU’s 180 TPD, (1) VSA 70 TPD
Plant Specs:
Plant 1: LOX Boil -GOX Flow: (180,000 scfh) / Product Press: (10+ psig) / Purity @ 95+%
Plant 2: LOX Boil -GOX Flow: (180,000 scfh) / Product Press: (10+ psig) / Purity @ 95+%
Plant 3: (VSA): GOX Flow: (74,000 scfh) / Product Press: (10+ psig) / Purity @ 90+%
Plant Specs:
Dry Bulb Temperature- 60°F
Wet Bulb Temperature - 52°F
Cooling Water Supply Temperature- 83°F
Atmospheric Pressure 14.34 psia
Estimated Power Requirements (4.16 kilovolts, 3phase, 60 Hertz)
Gaseous Oxygen 180 T/D
Main Air Compressor 2152 kW
TSA Heater 175 kW
Cooling Tower 65 kW
Storage and Vaporization Capacity
Qty 2 T622 A & B LP LOX -80,000 gal @30 psi
Qty 2 C245 LOX Bump Tanks- 400 gal
Qty 1 T732 LIN – 7,500 gal @70 psi
80+ hrs of backup supply
*These plants produce LIN as well.
(3) Oxygen Plants, Cryogenic and VSA, 70 and 180 TPD
- Details
- Written by Administrator